Saturday, April 21, 2012


Its been a pretty nice day, the sun decided to make an appearance which toned down the cold wind. Stayed in Pisa and did some exploring as well as repeating some of yesterday's tramp. 
Found something which took me by surprise and that is a plaque on a remaining  wall of a demolished building. 

The plaque is on the wall near the centre of the picture on the left. It seems that Percy wrote his elegy for his friend John Keats, Adonais, here in Pisa in the building that has now crumbled. It was of course nearly 200 years ago in 1821 so I suppose its not too unlikely that the building has gone. Its always much better fun when I stumble on these things, like the George Orwell square in Barcelona, and Lord Byron's cafe in Sintra, near Lisbon.  
Also the Piazza dei Cavelieri had a certain old charm. Its a square not so far from the tower area. Come to think of it, nothing is very far from anything in this small town!
The main building in this small square has some amazing graffiti and just in front there is a very imposing statue of the man the square is dedicated to. Apparently, after a belated Wiki search the square is called Knight's Square as it was the headquarters of the Knights of St. Stephen and the man with his back to you is Cosimo I de' Medici, Duke of Florence in the 16th century.
I took a couple of extra pictures of the tower to show just how much it leans and for that matter, sinking. It was a better day for pictures so here they are.

That's all for now as I hope dinner won't be too long. Its curry tonight with the international trio. No guesses for who is going to cook it and I'll be watching carefully to try to pick up some hints. Cheers D

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