Siena and Florence have a kind of rivalry going about which is the best town, and after seeing Siena I would certainly choose Siena. It doesn't have the same traffic problems and although its a lot smaller, it has a huge amount of medieval charm about it.
The large sloping main square reminded me of a beach and the people on it seemed to have the same idea as they laid back and sunned themselves while the tide was out.
It sounded like a seaside holiday resort too. I suppose I should have looked into it long ago, but during the last week I have come across a strange little sculpture not only in Florence. Maybe someone knows who the small boys are being suckled by a wolf. Its similar to the Moses story except he didn't get the canine treatment.
There is no escaping the obligatory cathedral, or three, and Siena does have one of those spectacular creations. Though smaller than the one in Florence it can still hold its own against countless others.
And finally to end an enjoyable day, here is the first view of the square as you descend the steps in this hilly little town.