Monday, April 23, 2012


The day went perfectly according to plan and the 10.30 bus from Pisa airport landed me in the centre of Florence with plenty of time to find my bearings. The bus service is a bargain for an hour's ride at 6 Euros. But it seems that Ryan Air has a hand in it, and I wonder if because that b....... airline has loads of flights into Pisa, they are depriving other airlines that go into Florence of business? Anyway, didn't use Ryan Air but the bus is handy. 
Took a few movies as the bus rolled down into valley where Firenze is situated.

The hostel is quite a long way out of the centre of things but seems pretty good. Its a huge old rambling place which belongs to a church next door. 
Had a brief skirmish into town this afternoon and then spent almost as much time trying to find the bus stop where I could catch a bus back to the hostel. Hopefully wont have that trouble again. That's all for now, cheers